XGSun’s Annual Ceremony: Reviewing the Past and Looking Forward to the Future!

This Tuesday evening, XGSun held a grand year-end summary party. With the theme of “Unity, Innovation and Development”, this annual meeting aims to review the achievements of the past year, commend outstanding employees, and look forward to the future development blueprint. Employees from all departments of XGSun gathered together to witness this unforgettable moment.

First of all, Gavin Guo, the CEO of XGSun, delivered a passionate speech. He reviewed the brilliant achievements of the company in 2023 and expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the staff for their hard work. Gavin emphasized the XGSun’s achievements in the market competition and also pointed out the challenges and opportunities. He said that in the next year, XGSun will continue to promote the innovation of RFID tag technology, expand market share, and continue to enhance the happiness and sense of belonging of employees.

Subsequently, the annual outstanding employee award ceremony was held grandly. These outstanding employees have become the pride of the company with their outstanding performance and outstanding performance. At the award ceremony, the company leaders presented them with certificates of honor and prizes, and extended high respect and warm congratulations to them.


At the dinner, the employees gathered together to enjoy the delicious food and joyful atmosphere. At this warm moment, the dinner also included Zhuang folk song and dance performances. The folk songs have melodious melodies, and the dancers, dressed in gorgeous national costumes, interpret the unique charm of Zhuang culture with their graceful dance movements. The employees of XGSun feel as if they are among the magnificent mountains and rivers, relaxing physically and mentally after their busy work. At the end of the dinner, the employees also tasted the authentic Zhuang wine culture.

By reviewing the achievements of the past year and looking forward to the future development blueprint, all employees of the company have strengthened their belief in uniting and cooperating to create a better future. We believe that in the days to come, XGSun will continue to achieve more brilliant achievements and write better chapters!

Post time: Feb-01-2024